I design simple and effective user interfaces.

View my portfolio (6MB PDF)


Hello. I am Erik Briones. A Filipino web-designer/developer based in Dubai for more than 10 years now. I have been hired by companies from different industries.

  • 2022 - Present : ThinkMarkets
    UI / Creative Designer
  • 2014 - 2022 : Gulf News
    UI Designer
  • 2010 - 2014 : CPI Media Group
    Senior Web Designer / Asst. Digital Manager
  • 2007 - 2010 : Edwards and Towers Real Estate
    Web / Graphics Designer
  • 2003 - 2007 : Bigfoot Entertainment
    Web Designer

My expertise is in designing clean and minimal websites. I design the user interface using Figma, and build my websites using HTML/CSS and WordPress. I also have extensive knowledge in Email campaigns, and what makes them work/or not. 🙂 I have used Constant Contact, iContact, Mailigen, Zoho Mail and Selligent platforms for email campaigns.

If you wish to say hi, email me at erik.briones[at]gmail.com.

Thank you!

These are some of the reputable companies I have worked with over the years

Lately, I have been creating these fun Youtube videos.

These videos are for beginners, or intermediate level designers who want to learn web and mobile UI design. As of the moment the tool I am showcasing is Figma.

Watch my videos

Some products I made at Gumroad :)

And here are my thoughts and learnings over the years.

Figma Tutorial Videos, How-Tos and Speed designs

June 11, 2020

"The past few months I have been busy creating Figma tutorial videos in Youtube. It is a fun exercise. I now have mad respect for Yotubers, those that create tutorial videos, which I enjoy watching most of the time. It is not as easy as it looks. The easier it looks, and the nicer it […]"

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A designer working from home

April 2, 2020

"It has been two weeks now since I was advised by my company to start working from home. I have always thought about working for a company that allows flexible working hours and remote locations, but this one is different. This is because of the need to. To stay away from colleagues, from general public, […]"

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Will Figma work on an iPad?

March 9, 2020

"I asked that same question to myself a while ago. Will Figma work on an iPad or tablet? Is it a good set up or workflow to do your creative stuff on a mobile-ish device? Those questions got me researching the possibility of creating designs in Figmale from a mobile phone or a tablet. I […]"

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