
Figma Tutorial Videos, How-Tos and Speed designs

The past few months I have been busy creating Figma tutorial videos in Youtube. It is a fun exercise. I now have mad respect for Yotubers, those that create tutorial videos, which I enjoy watching most of the time. It is not as easy as it looks. The easier it looks, and the nicer it […]

A designer working from home

It has been two weeks now since I was advised by my company to start working from home. I have always thought about working for a company that allows flexible working hours and remote locations, but this one is different. This is because of the need to. To stay away from colleagues, from general public, […]

Will Figma work on an iPad?

I asked that same question to myself a while ago. Will Figma work on an iPad or tablet? Is it a good set up or workflow to do your creative stuff on a mobile-ish device? Those questions got me researching the possibility of creating designs in Figmale from a mobile phone or a tablet. I […]

Huddle up – Old school, but effective collaboration technique.

I consider today as a win for our product team. We are going to present our initial draft/mockups – an updated look on one of our main modules for the website. I have been working on them for a couple of days now. The smaller team within the product team consists of me, the User […]

Storyboarding is important for clarity, and for brainstorming

Today my codesigner was tasked to create campaign materials for International Women’s Day. One of the tasks was to create motion graphics for social media with some copy and numbers. My role is just to see if what she is building is consistent with the brand. A few minutes after we had been given the […]

Design is How it Works

You must have heard this quote before. This gets thrown around in Design discussions in the different forums whether in blog sites, design Twitter, or Instagram carousels. Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like. That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and […]

I have now moved my development environment to Visual Studio Code

This weekend I was able to install Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code (vscode) on my Mac and was able to try to edit stuff and upload it to my live server. I have been meaning to shift from Dreamweaver for a long time. I technically use Dreamweaver only for its Site and FTP capabilities. I am […]